Daniel Schläpfer
Dr. sc. nat., Prof. Founder & Owner ReSe Applications LLC
Daniel Schläpfer has expertise in the following areas:
Automatic physical reflectance retrieval method
Radiative transfer code based Modelling
BRDF anisotropy correction
Processing of ground based and side-looking hyperspectral imagery
Aerosol parameter retrievals by shadow based methods
Topographic illumination correction based on digital surface model input
Atmospheric gases and aerosol parameter retrieval
Inflight radiometric calibration
Data visualization, evaluation and processing of hyperspectral data
De-shadowing of cloud/building cast shadow areas using image-based shade detection routines.
Spectral and radiometric calibration for VNIR and SWIR hyperspectral systems
Fully automatic processing and product generation
About me
About my work
My most relevant work topics:
• Geocoding of airborne scanner data,
• Radiative Transfer modelling (using MODTRAN),
• Advanced Imaging Spectroscopy System Development, and
• Retrieval of atmospheric gases and atmospheric correction.
See my publication list for more information about this work.
Contact me
Thank you for visiting my web page and for your interest in my work.
If you have any questions or want to stay in touch, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be happy hearing from you!