
Dr.sc.nat., Daniel Schlaepfer


Summer 2009:
Teaching professor degree of state St.Gallen.

Spring 1999:
Teaching degree in geography and physics by the University of Zürich.

Fall 1998:
Ph.D. Graduation in natural sciences (Dr.sc.nat.) at the University of Zürich.

Spring 1998:
Bachelor equivalent degree in physics at the University of Zürich

1995 – 1998:
Ph.D. student at the Remote Sensing Applications Division of RSL and the air quality monitoring group of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Villigen)

1995 – 1996:
Research semester at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL New Mexico (USA), development of a new methodology for atmospheric water vapor detection.

‘Schläfli’ – award by the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences, issued for the Master thesis.

Master degree in geography (University of Zürich); additional degree in atmospheric physics (ETH Zürich).

1991 – 1994:
Studies in methodological geography (remote sensing and geographic information systems); RSL, Department of Geography. Master’s thesis on imaging spectrometry of atmospheric trace gases.

1989 – 1991:
Bachelor equivalent degree in geography at the University of Zürich. Additional exams in experimental physics, mathematics and geology.

1988 – 1989:
Electrical engineering at the ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

Graduating at high school in St.Gallen, Switzerland.

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