Sensor Calibration
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On Sensor Design and Calibration
A. Hueni, D. Schlaepfer, M. Jehle, and M. Schaepman, “Impacts of dichroic prism coatings on radiometry of the airborne imaging spectrometer APEX,” Applied Optics, vol. 53, no. 24, p. 5344, 2014.
A. Hueni, D. Schläpfer, M. Jehle, and M. Schaepman, “APEX: Radiometry Under Spectral Shift Conditions,” Jun. 2014.
K.I. Itten, K. Meuleman, M. Schaepman, E.A. Alberti, B. Bomans, F. Dell’Endice, P. D’Odorico, A. Hueni, J. Nieke, D. Schläpfer,and G.J.Ulbrich. 2009: First Test Results Of The Airborne Dispersive Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer Apex. presented at 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop, Tel Aviv, March 16 – 18, 2009, pp 6.
Eija Honkavaara, Roman Arbiol, Lauri Markelin, Lucas Martinez, Michal Cramer, Stéphane Bovet, Laure Chandelier, Risto Ilves, Sascha Klonus, Paul Marshal, Daniel Schläpfer, Mark Tabor, Christian Thom, Nikolaj Veje., 2009: Digital Airborne Photogrammetry—A New Tool for Quantitative Remote Sensing?—A State-of-the-Art Review On Radiometric Aspects of Digital Photogrammetric Images. Remote Sensing (2009) vol. 1 (3) pp. 577-605.
Itten K.I., Francesco DellEndice, Andreas Hueni, Mathias Kneubühler, Daniel Schläpfer, Daniel Odermatt, Felix Seidel, Silvia Huber, Jürg Schopfer, Tobias Kellenberger, Yves Bühler, Petra D’Odorico, Jens Nieke, Edoardo Alberti, Koen Meuleman, 2008: “APEX – the Hyperspectral ESA Airborne Prism Experiment”. Sensors, Vol. 8:6235-6259.
A. Hueni, J. Biesemans, K. Meuleman, F. DellEndice, D. Schläpfer, D. Odermatt, M. Kneubuehler, S. Adriaensen, S. Kempenaers, J. Nieke, K.I. Itten, 2008: “Structure, Components and Interfaces of the Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) Processing and Archiving Facility”, TGARS vol. 00047 pp. 17
Jason Brazile, R. A. Neville, K. Staenz, D. Schläpfer, L. Sun, and K. I. Itten, 2008: “Towards scene-based retrieval of spectral response functions for hyperspectral imagers using Fraunhofer lines,” Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(8):S43-S58.
F. DellEndice, J. Nieke, D. Schläpfer, and K. I. Itten, “Scene-based method for spatial misregistration detection in hyperspectral imagery.,” Applied Optics, vol. 46, no. 15, pp. 2803–2816, May 2007.
Jens Nieke, Daniel Schläpfer, Francesco Dell’Endice, Jason Brazile, Klaus I. Itten, 2008. “Uniformity of Imaging Spectrometry Data Products”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(10):3326 – 3336.
Schläpfer D., Nieke J., and Itten K. I., 2007. “Spatial PSF non-uniformity effects in airborne pushbroom imaging spectrometry data”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45(2):458-468.
J. Nieke, F. Dell’Endice, A. Hüni, M. Kneubühler, D. Schläpfer, B. Kötz, J. Schopfer, K. I. Itten, and A. Plaza, 2007: Calibration and Validation Activities in the Scope of HYPER-I-NET: The RSL Approach, presented at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’07), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2.
Böttger U., Nieke J. and Schläpfer D., 2006. Assessing polarization effects for the airborne imaging spectrometer APEX. Advances in Radio Science, 4:323-328.
Brazile J., Neville R.A., Staenz K., Schläpfer D., Sun L. and Itten K.I., 2006. Scene-Based Spectral Response Function Shape Discernibility for the APEX Imaging Spectrometer. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3(3): 414-418.
Nieke, J., Honda, Y., Murakami, H., Schläpfer D., Takeuchi, N., Itten, K.I. Simulation, calibration and validation of Earth observation sensors with APEX, Proc. CEReS International Symposium, Chiba, Japan, 13/14 Dec. 2005
Schläpfer D., Kaiser J.W., Nieke J., Brazile J. and Itten K.I., 2004: Modeling and Correcting Spatial Non-Uniformity of the APEX Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer. R. Green (Editor), 13th Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop. JPL Publications, March 2004, Pasadena, CA, pp.11 (CD-ROM).
Schläpfer D., Kaiser J.W., Brazile J., Schaepman M.E. and Itten K.I., 2003: Calibration concept for potential optical aberrations of the APEX pushbroom imaging spectrometer, International Symposium on Remote Sensing. Sensors, Systems, and Next Generation Satellites IX. SPIE, Barcelona, Vol. 5234, pp. 221-231.
Schläpfer D., and Schaepman M., 2002: Modelling the noise equivalent radiance requirements of imaging spectrometers based on scientific applications. Applied Optics, 41(27):5691-5701.
Schaepman M., Schläpfer D., Brazile J., and Bojinski S., 2002: Processing of large-volume airborne imaging spectrometer data: the APEX approach. M. Descour, S. Shen (Eds.), Imaging Spectrometry VIII, Proc. SPIE, San Diego, Vol. 4816:72-79.
M. Schaepman, D. Schläpfer, and A. Müller, 2001: Performance Requirements for Airborne Imaging Spectrometers. M. Descour, S. Shen (Eds.), Imaging Spectrometry VII, SPIE, San Diego, Vol. 4480:23-31.
Schläpfer D., Schaepman M., and Strobl P., 2002: Impact of Spatial Resampling Methods on the Radiometric Accuracy of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data. 5th Int. Airb. R. S. Conf. and Exh., VERIDIAN, San Francisco / Miami, CD-ROM, pp.8.
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D. Schläpfer, A. Boerner, S. Bojinski, and M. Schaepman, 2000: Calibration Concept for the Airborne PRISM Experiment (APEX). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(5):455-465.
Schaepman M.E., Schläpfer D., and Itten K.I., 2000: APEX – A new Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer for Imaging Spectroscopy Applications: Current Design and Status. IGARSS 2000, Hawaii, Vol. VII:CD-Rom.
Börner, A., Schaepman, M., Schläpfer, D., Wiest, L., & Reulke, R, 1999: The Simulation of APEX Data: The SENSOR approach . Presented at the Imaging Spectrometry V, SPIE Vol. 3753, pp. 235-246.
D. Schläpfer, A. Boerner, M. Schaepman, and K.I. Itten, 1999: Calibration Concept for the Airborne PRISM Experiment (APEX). Proceedings of the Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, June 21st – 24th, 1999, Ottawa, Canada, pp 8-15.
Schaepman M., Schläpfer D., Börner A., Bojinski S., and Itten K.I., 1999: APEX – Airborne PRISM Experiment: A new Airborne Hyperspectral Imager for the Simulation of ESA’s Land Surface Processes and Interactions Mission. Proc. ISSR, Las Vegas, pp. 11.
D. Schläpfer, A. Boerner, and M. Schaepman, 1999: The Potential of Spectral Resampling Techniques for the Simulation of APEX Imagery based on AVIRIS Data. Summaries of the Eighth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL, Pasadena (CA), pp 377-384.
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