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On Preprocessing and Geocoding
D. Schläpfer, R. Richter, C. Popp,and P. Nygren: “DROACOR-Thermal: Automated Temperature / Emissivity Retrieval for Drone Based Hyperspectral Imaging Data.” Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2022, 429–434,
D. Schläpfer, C. Popp, and R. Richter, “Drone Data Atmospheric Correction Concept for Multi- and Hyperspectral Imagery – the DROACOR Model”, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2020, 473–478,, 2020.
D. Schläpfer, C. Popp, and R. Richter, “Drone Data Atmospheric Correction Concept for Multi- and Hyperspectral Imagery – the DROACOR Model”, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2020, 473–478,, 2020.
M. Voegtli, D. Schläpfer, R. Richter, A. Hueni, M. E. Schaepman, and M. Kneubuhler, “About the Transferability of Topographic Correction Methods From Spaceborne to Airborne Optical Data,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observations Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 1348–1362, Dec. 2020.
W. Jia, Y. Pang, R. Tortini, D. Schläpfer, Z. Li, and J.-L. Roujean, “A Kernel-Driven BRDF Approach to Correct Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Over Forested Areas with Rugged Topography”. Remote Sensing, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 432–33, Feb. 2020.
For more publications
D. Schläpfer and R. Richter, “Recent Developments In ATCOR For Atmospheric Compensation And Radiometric Processing Of Imaging Spectroscopy Data,” presented at the EARSeL eProceedings, 2016, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 40–48.
J. Weyermann, M. Kneubuhler, D. Schläpfer, and M. E. Schaepman, “Minimizing Reflectance Anisotropy Effects in Airborne Spectroscopy Data Using Ross-Li Model Inversion With Continuous Field Land Cover Stratification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 5814–5823, Aug. 2015.
D. Schläpfer, R. Richter, and T. Feingersh, (2014): “Operational BRDF Effects Correction for Wide-Field-of-View Optical Scanners (BREFCOR),” IEEE TGARS, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1855-1864.
D. Schläpfer and R. Richter, “Evaluation of Brefcor BRDF Effects Correction for Hyspex, CASI, and APEX Imaging Spectroscopy Data,” IEEE WHISPERS, Lausanne, 2014, pp. 4.
Richter, R., Heege, T., Kiselev, V., and Schläpfer, D, (2014): “Correction of ozone influence on TOA radiance” Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, 8044-8056.
D. Schläpfer, R. Richter, and A. Damm, “Correction Of Shadowing In Imaging Spectroscopy Data By Quantification Of The Proportion Of Diffuse Illumination,” presented at the 8th SIG-IS EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, 2013, pp. 10.
Ben-Dor E., T. Malthus, A. Plaza, and D. Schläpfer, “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing,” in Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research: Methods and Intruments, no. 8, M. Wendisch and J.-L. Brenguier, Eds. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp. 413-456.
Schläpfer, D., Richter, R., & Kellenberger, T. (2012). Aspects Of Atmospheric And Topographic Correction Of High Spatial Resolution Imagery (pp. 1–4). Presented at the IGARSS 2012, Munich.
Schläpfer, D., Richter, R., & Kellenberger, T. (2012). Atmospheric and Topographic Correction of Photogrammetric Airborne Digital Scanner Data (ATCOR-ADS). Presented at Eurocows 2012, Catelldelfels Barcelona, pp 5.
Markelin, L., Honkavaara, E., Schläpfer, D., Bovet, S., & Korpela, I. (2012). Assessment of Radiometric Correction Methods for ADS40 Imagery. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, 2012(3), 251–266. doi:10.1127/1432-8364/2012/0115.
Schläpfer, D., and R. Richter (2011), Spectral Polishing of High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy Data, presented at 7th SIG-IS Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Edinburgh, pp. 7.
Schläpfer, D. (2011), Implications and caveats of using MODTRAN-5 for inflight Validation and Calibration, Presented at EUFAR JWGM Sensors, Cal/Val, and Data Processing, Edinburgh, 1-25.
Honkavaaraa, E. et al. (2011), The EUROSDR Project “Radiometric Aspects Of Digital Photogrammetric Images” – Results Of The Empirical Phase, in IPI Workshop, pp. 1-8.
Ben-Dor, E., T. Feingersh, S. Filin, and D. Schläpfer (2010), Better analysis of hyperspectral images by correcting reflectance anisotropy, SPIE Newsroom, 1-3, doi:10.1117/2.1201003.002869.
D. Schläpfer, R. Richter, and A. Hueni, 2009: Recent Developments In Operational Atmospheric And Radiometric Correction Of Hyperspectral Imagery. presented at 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop, Tel Aviv, March 16 – 18, 2009, pp 6.
T. Feingersh, D. Schläpfer, and E. Ben-Dor, 2009: Towards Operational Brdf Correction For Imaging Spectrometry Data, presented at 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop, Tel Aviv, March 16 – 18, 2009, pp 6.
Weyermann, J, Schläpfer, D, Hueni, A, Kneubuhler, M, Itten, KI., 2009: Land Cover Classification Concept For Anisotropy Correction In Hyperspectral Imagery. presented at 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop, Tel Aviv, March 16 – 18, 2009, pp 6.
Weyermann J., D. Schläpfer, A Hueni, M Kneubühler, M Schaepman, 2009: Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) for anisotropy class indexing in Imaging Spectrometry data. SPIE Denver (2009) pp. 1-12.
Richter R. and Schläpfer D., 2008: “Considerations on Water Vapor and Surface Reflectance Retrieval for Spaceborne Imaging Spectrometer”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(7):1958-1965.
Schläpfer D., J. Nieke, F. Dell Endice, A. Hueni, J. Biesemans, K. Meuleman, and K. I. Itten, 2007: “Optimized Workflow for APEX level 2/3 Processing”, presented at the 5th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy., April 23-25 2007, Bruges, Belgium, 2007, pp 11.
Schläpfer D., Koetz B., Gruber S., and Morsdorf F., 2003: The influence of DEM characteristics on preprocessing of DAIS/ROSIS data in high altitude alpine terrain. 3rd Earsel workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy; Herrsching, Germany, pp. 132-139.
Kaiser J.W., Schläpfer D., Brazile J., Strobl P., Schaepman M.E. and Itten K.I., 2003: Assimilation of Heterogeneous Calibration Measurements for the APEX Spectrometer, International Symposium on Remote Sensing. Sensors, Systems, and Next Generation Satellites IX. SPIE Vol 5234, Barcelona, pp. 211-220.
Gruber S., Schläpfer D., Hoelzle M., 2003: Imaging Spectrometry in High- Alpine Topography: The Derivation of Accurate Broadband Albedo. 3rd Earsel workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Herrsching, Germany, pp. 196-205.
Gruber S., Schläpfer D. and Hoelzle M., 2003: Ground albedo derived from DAIS 7915 hyperspectral imagery for energy balance modeling in high-Alpine topography, 8th International Conference on Permafrost 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, (Extended abstract volume) pp. 3.
Schläpfer D., Meier P., and Schaepman M., 2002: Effects of Geo-Atmospheric preprocessing on imaging spectroscopy data quality and methods. 11th Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL Publications, March 2002, Pasadena, CA, pp 8.
Schläpfer D. and Richter R., 2002: Geo-atmospheric Processing of Airborne Imaging Spectrometry Data Part 1: Parametric Orthorectification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(13):2609-2630.
Richter R., and Schläpfer D., 2002: Geo-atmospheric processing of airborne imaging spectrometry data. Part 2: Atmospheric/Topographic Correction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(13):2631-2649.
Richter R., and Schläpfer D., 2001: Geo-atmospheric processing of wide FOV airborne imaging spectrometry data. 8th int. Symp. Remote Sensing, SPIE, Toulouse.
Schläpfer D., Hausold A., and Richter R., 2000: A Unified Approach to Parametric Geocoding and Atmospheric/Topographic Correction for Wide FOV Airborne Imagery. Part 1: Parametric Ortho-Rectification Process. Proc. 2nd Earsel Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, EARSeL, Enschede, pp 9.
D. Schläpfer, Bojinski S., Schaepman M., and Richter R., 2000: Combination of Geometric and Atmospheric Correction for AVIRIS data in Rugged Terrain. JPL, Pasadena (CA), pp 429-436
Schläpfer D., Schaepman M., and Itten K.I., 1998: Level II pre-processing concept for the AIRBORNE PRISM Experiment (APEX). Proceeding of 1st Earsel Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy EARSeL/RSL, Zürich, pp 89-96.
Schläpfer D., Meyer P., and Itten K.I., 1998: Parametric Geocoding of AVIRIS Data Using a Ground Control Point Derived Flightpath. Summaries of the Seventh JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, published on the Web, JPL, Pasadena (CA), pp 367-372.
Schläpfer D., Schaepman M.E., and Itten K.I., 1998: PARGE: Parametric Geocoding Based on GCP-Calibrated Auxiliary Data. SPIE Int. Symp. on Opt. Sc, Eng. and Instr., San Diego (CA), pp 334-344.
Reulke N., Reulke R., Schaepman M., Schläpfer D., Strobl P., and Müller A., 1997: Geometric Correction of Hyperspectral Scanner Data with Simultaneously Acquired Stereo Data. E.P. Baltsavias (Ed.), Joint ISPRS Commission III/IV, Vol. 32, Part 3-4W2, Stuttgart (G), pp 9-14.
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